Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sick of it

Monday brought the plauge.
as the morning sun rose i woke slowly. i coughed once. not thinking and continued on with my day. just two classes, thats it. no big. i get home and have some lunch cause i was starving! lasagna and a piece of garlic bread. mmmm so tasty. i had felt really tired all day, but i figured it was because i went to bed at 2 that morning.
we built a fort on sunday. it was epic and glorious and great and i love forts. it was large and spacious and we could fit like 8 people in there, not comfortably mind you, but they could sit in there. actully if we are not caring about comfort, then we could have about 20 people stacked in there. a nice stackable lunch.
now back to the story of the black plague. so that whole day i was exhausted and tired so i finished as much work as i could and took like 3 naps.
Tuesday morning i felt soo nausceous. i finally was like, okay. i need to throw up and i need to do it now. so i did. then that continued from around 10 in the morning to 5 30 the following morning, every 20-30 mins, throwing up. really great. loved every second of it. though, shout out to my roommates, they rock. they delt with me smelling up the apartment with vomit and just grossness. they got me meds and fluids and just were overall soo sweet. i truly have the best roommates and i love them and appriciate everything they do for me!!!
good news of the plague. i lost 8.8 pounds. granted half of that was just water to half of it came back once i hydrated.
gross new. chocolate milk. if you know you are gonna throw up, drink chocolate milk. it tastes relatively the same going down as when it comes up. yeah gross, but its a proven theory. it also gets rid of the acidic vomit after tastes and helps you relax and sleep between throw ups. so next time you are throwing up like CRAZY! give momma (me) a call and i'll take care of you.
On that glorious note.

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