Saturday, December 8, 2012

weird faces

 I met jef holms and did the classic make a weird face.... if you dont know who jef holms is, its cool. just google the Bachelorette.
this is jay leno and my making a weird face again.... : )

I shouldn’t be writing this blog post because I am frustrated.

I will, however, focus on what I did tonight. I went to a place called I-Jump. Sidenote, I don’t know why everything has an ‘I’ in front of it now. It is just weird. It was so much fun though! I cannot even describe. I went with a couple guys from my vball team this semester. They helped make it way fun. Basically, this place is covered with trampolines and sorts of. There are tramps that go into foam pits. Floors of tramps lined together. In the foam pit one I did a backflip! First one ever. I was so scared. I was jumping into a foam pit but I was still scared to death. Maybe not death, that is a little harsh. But nonetheless, I was scared. The first attempt I jumped and floated backwards and fluttered my hands and legs and landed on my back in the foam. It was pretty funny. They had a replay camera and I got to watch what I looked like. The second attempt I was jumping, got too close to the edge, and just sort of tumbled in. Right after that I nailed it. Landed straight on my feet. I think I would have been a good gymnast if I stuck with it and got over my fear of being scared of hurting myself. Seriously, gymnasts have not fear whatsoever. I got pretty pro as backflips in the pit. My next goal was to do a front handspring. I did it. I then decided to have a race around the trampolines with my friend Joel. The first race a little girl ran out in front of him and he took her out. Then I tripped over one of the mats that covers the springs. The second race, I tripped over the mat thing again! But at least I took Joel out with me. The third race I flat out tripped over the mat again. I took no one out. I laughed pretty dang hard. Overall it was a great night.
I get to go home on Wednesday. I could not be more thrilled. I need to just recollect myself. The same struggles are creeping up on me again. It is so frustrating to thing that I have overcome the struggles and self-doubts, but then BOOM they are back in an instant no questions asked. It is all good though. My life is great. I really have no room for complaints, only gratitude.